Seminar on the Care & Conservation of Historic Graveyards and Launch of New Cemeteries Mapviewer
Posted 9/10/2019
Roscommon County Council is hosting a seminar on the care and conservation of historic graveyards in the Seminar Room of the County Library on Wednesday 23rd October from 2.00pm to 4.30pm. This should be of interest to anyone with an interest in caring for and maintaining historic graveyards in the county. Cllr. Paschal Fitzmaurice, Cathaoirleach of Roscommon County Council will get proceedings underway. John Tierney, archaeologist from Eachtra Archaeological Projects will give a talk on the care and conservation of historic graveyards especially with regard to caring for delicate masonry ruins and historic memorials. Michael Bell, heritage expert from Nature Learn will give a talk on how best to care for nature and wildlife in a historic graveyard. John Tierney, archaeologist, will also give a talk on how best to record historic graveyards with useful tips on how to photograph the memorials and read the inscriptions without damaging historic stonework and how to present the information to the public. Mary B. Timoney, independent scholar, will give a talk on the decoration of memorials in Co. Roscommon. Jim Ganly, local historian, will demonstrate the new cemeteries mapviewer, which can be accessed on Cllr Joe Murphy, Chairperson of County Roscommon Heritage Forum will perform the official launch. is a central point for information on all cemeteries in County Roscommon. It will tell you: Where each cemetery is; Who owns it; If it is protected under the National Monuments Acts or not; If there are Protected Structures in it or not; If there is Register of Burials for it and where you can access it; If there is any information about it - archaeological survey, historical article, conservation report etc. If it has been recorded and where its inscriptions can be accessed. If you know of any information we can add or link to please email [email protected]. This project is funded by the Heritage Council as an action of the County Roscommon Heritage Plan 2017-2021.
The seminar is free but booking is required as places are limited. Please email [email protected] or phone Claudette Collins on 090 6637205 to book your place.
See attached photos for more details.